Sexual Misconduct & Sexual Assault

Information you should know if you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault. If you or someone you know may be a victim of sexual misconduct or assault, you are strongly encouraged to seek immediate assistance.


MSU Sexual Misconduct Policy

Emergency Assistance

  • If you are in danger or need emergency medical assistance, call 911. Your safety is the first priority. University officials can be alerted once you are safe.
  • If you are not in immediate danger, call the MSU Safe Line at 662-325-3333. The Safe Line is available 24/7 and is staffed by trained counselors who can assist you in getting help, including medical care, housing or academic accommodations, or counseling.

Confidential Resources

  • Student Counseling Services (662) 325-2091: Students can meet with a confidential mental health counselor. Students also can meet with a Sexual Assault Advocate, who can help them obtain medical care, accommodations, or assistance, and can assist with submitting a formal complaint if the student chooses.
  • Longest Student Health Center (662) 325-2431

Campus Resources

  • Title IX Coordinator: The University has designated Brett Harvey as the Title IX Coordinator. The Coordinator receives complaints of sexual assault, harassment and other misconduct, and oversees the investigation and disciplinary process. The Coordinator also is available to respond to questions or concerns about sexual misconduct or other discrimination, and can be reached at 662-325-5839, or by email at, or in person at McArthur Hall, Room 235, Mississippi State, MS 39762.
  • Dean of Students Office (662) 325-3611: Staff can assist a student in filing formal complaints or, if the student does not want to file a formal complaint, the staff can work with the student to address concerns over housing, class assignments or schedules, leaves of absence, withdrawal or other academic concerns. The office staff can also assist the student in notifying MSU Police or local law enforcement, if the student so requests.
  • MSU Police For Emergencies 911, non-emergency(662) 325-2121: Contacting MSU Police does not mean a student must pursue criminal charges. MSU Police can advise students of their options, help preserve evidence while they consider options, and assist students in safety planning.

Community Resources

  • Starkville Police Department (662) 323-4131 or Emergencies 911
  • Oktibbeha County Sheriff (662) 323-2421 or Emergencies 91

Sexual Misconduct FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions about sexual assault and other sexual misconduct can be found here: Title IX and Sexual Misconduct. For additional information, please consult the university’s Sexual Misconduct Policy or contact the university’s Title IX Coordinator at or 325-5839.